picture frame Tamar

Applications Closed

Our grants programme is now closed until January 2026. 

If you want us to let you know when our grants next open leave your contact details below.

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Who we're supporting

We're supporting incredible grassroots organisations like Surrey Clubs For Young People who have, over the last decade, provided business advice to independent groups launching or running youth clubs. With the clubs they run, they co-produce a schedule of activities with young people, reinforcing a sense of ownership of their club. They know that having a youth club to go to helps the young people with building resilience to the challenges of their lives, including the risks of becoming involved in criminal behaviour.

Surrey Clubs For Young People
picture frame Thalia and Kat visiting our partners in Glasgow

How to apply

If you are a small organisation in the UK (income under £400k) who are empowering financially disadvantaged young people aged 11-25 to break the barriers to aspiration, then why not take a closer look at our eligibility criteria and click on the “Find out more” button below.

Need help submitting an application?

To find our application guidance, an application template, what we’ll be looking for in your safeguarding policy and all your questions answered in our Grants FAQs, click on the "Find out more" button below.

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picture frame GK

The KFC Youth Foundation creates opportunities for young people that inspire and empower then to fulfil their potential and build a positive future.

The organisations we work with provide spaces that allow young people to feel safe and secure, helping them to unlock talent, build life skills, provide mentoring or improve their chances to gain meaningful employment. We want to fund work that helps young people to create firm foundations, by addressing their needs through early intervention.

We are also dipping our toe into becoming a service delivery partner, opening our own youth hubs.

The KFC Youth Foundation is the corporate foundation that was setup in 2015 and is financially supported by KFC UK&I. The KFC Youth Foundation is a registered charity.

The KFC Youth Foundation welcomes funding applications from organisations which:

  • Benefit young people aged 11-25 years old.
  • Supports those in a position of economic disadvantage (Including at least one of these groups; care leavers, those experiencing homelessness, young carers, young parents, refugees, young people at risk of or with experience of the criminal justice system).
  • Support by providing spaces that allow young people to feel safe and secure, helping to unlock talent and build life skills, provide mentoring and improve their chances to gain meaningful employment. Ultimately empower all young people to fulfil their potential and build a positive future.
  • Are based in the UK.
  • Have an annual income of no more than £400,000.

There are a couple of steps in the process the first is an expression of interest

  1. Submit a 2-minute video about your organisation
  2. Basic application form including some information about your organisation and 150 words about who will benefit from the grant funds.

The second is a more detailed written application or you might choose to do this face to face. All of it happens through our online portal.

Our applications usually open every January for a four week window. If you want to be contacted when the grants open, drop an email to UK-KFC-Foundation@yum.com.


We will make grants to sports-based programmes but you will need to demonstrate

  1. that your proposal focuses on delivering services to one or more of the KFC Youth Foundation priority groups (e.g. care leavers, those experiencing homelessness, young carers, young parents, refugees, young people at risk of or with experience of the criminal justice system). These priority groups must make up the main percentage of your proposal’s users.
  2. that you have a broader mission and that sport is used as a vehicle for building life skills, provide mentoring and/or improve their chances to gain meaningful employment.

Funny you should ask, we have been making grants and donations for a while now but it is our ambition to become a service delivery organisation; starting with our very first youth Hub which as just opened in Middlesbrough.