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We know that if you work for a small organisation you have to wear many hats and you can't be an expert in them all. That's why we have been working on organising a 4 part-series of online webinars around Fundraising which will be hosted by Founder and CEO of Latch Fundraising, Lynda Harwood Compton throughout the year.


Storytelling  - Thursday 27th March 10am-11am

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools for fundraisers. Stories create impact, build connections and allow people to feel engaged with your cause. Join us to learn about storytelling and how to frame the stories of your charities. 

Make An Ask - Thursday 26th June 10am-11am

How do you ask for funding professionally and confidently? This session will inform you of when and how to make the right ask to the right funder/donor. 

We will look at the Seven Stages of Solicitation and how to build sustainable engaging relationships while ensuring the  impact of your non-profit is clear for donors and prospects alike

Stewardship - Thursday 25th September 10am-11am

This session of our quarterly webinars is all about looking after your donors. How do we create impact and stewardship journeys which make our donors feel valued and part of our organisation. Using what we’ve learned from the Storytelling and Make an Ask workshops, we will also focus on new and innovative techniques for stewardship as well as examples from other non-profits. 

Thank You - Wednesday 3rd December 10am-11am

Did you know a donor should be thanked 4 x per year? Thanking is a crucial part of a donor’s stewardship journey.  There is no stronger word than ‘thank you’ in fundraising. Let’s look at creative ways to thank, why thanking is important and how some of the most successful people have got where they have because of these two words…’thank you’ 

picture frame Lynda leading a workshop

Meet Lynda Harwood-Compton

Lynda is an award-winning, innovative and published global fundraising leader, with 18 years’ experience in the charity sector. She has her own international fundraising consultancy, Latch Fundraising, and has a track record of leading global fundraising teams to consistently achieve and exceed their fundraising targets. 

Lynda is experienced in philanthropy, corporate partnerships and trusts fundraising as well as prospect research. She is a skilled trainer and coach, with Lynda having worked for and with small and large charities such as Guide Dogs, New Horizon Youth Centre, St John Ambulance, Opportunity International and Animals Asia. 

Latch Fundraising’s key objective is for charities to develop and implement a long-term, multi-layered partnership approach, encompassing all income streams, to maximise the potential of a charity’s donor pipeline.

How to sign up


If you'd like to join our next webinar on Thursday 27th March, follow the link below.

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picture frame workshop in action